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Where is it all going???

July 13th, 2020 at 06:14 pm

So, I am spending too much. I am going to list my budget below but....I looked at our statement and we are spending so much money on FOOOOOD! Ordering in and drive thrus! Plus groceries. I have to get a handle on this. Especially since we have debt repayments now. But I broke my leg/ankle in 3 places a few months ago and damaged ligaments. I had surgery and am just now able to walk and cook and work. But sometimes at the end of the day, I don't want to cook! So what do y'all do when you don't want to cook? Sometimes I am just too fatigued to stand anymore.

Income = $4000 total after taxes and insurance

Mortgage = $1225 - includes insurance and taxes
Car = $400
Insurance = $153 for 2 cars with full coverage
Electricity = $285
Water = $115
Trash = $76-$80 Dumpster service
Dish = $99
Netflix = $15
Internet = $95 Trying to find cheaper service
Cell phones = $165
Gas for cars = $200 (aprx $50/week)
Groceries/Food = $160
$250 = misc or savings - includes dog food
Debt = $781 eek

My expenses total $4019 which is $19 over my income. I can fix that. But what about Christmas? And I am trying to build an emergency fund. That is what I need, right?