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Where is it all going???

July 13th, 2020 at 06:14 pm

So, I am spending too much. I am going to list my budget below but....I looked at our statement and we are spending so much money on FOOOOOD! Ordering in and drive thrus! Plus groceries. I have to get a handle on this. Especially since we have debt repayments now. But I broke my leg/ankle in 3 places a few months ago and damaged ligaments. I had surgery and am just now able to walk and cook and work. But sometimes at the end of the day, I don't want to cook! So what do y'all do when you don't want to cook? Sometimes I am just too fatigued to stand anymore.

Income = $4000 total after taxes and insurance

Mortgage = $1225 - includes insurance and taxes
Car = $400
Insurance = $153 for 2 cars with full coverage
Electricity = $285
Water = $115
Trash = $76-$80 Dumpster service
Dish = $99
Netflix = $15
Internet = $95 Trying to find cheaper service
Cell phones = $165
Gas for cars = $200 (aprx $50/week)
Groceries/Food = $160
$250 = misc or savings - includes dog food
Debt = $781 eek

My expenses total $4019 which is $19 over my income. I can fix that. But what about Christmas? And I am trying to build an emergency fund. That is what I need, right?

Feels like I'm standing here naked.....

July 9th, 2020 at 08:40 pm

Hi! I'm Raquel. I'm feeling a little vulnerable. I stumbled across this site, gathered all my information, tried to settle my nausea, and hit update. I finally got my head out of the sand a few weeks ago. Unfortunately we got a rude awakening when we received court documents regarding a debt. What a sinking feeling. I thought to myself, I better do something about this before I get 10 more. So, I put all of our debt on here. As of last week, we have payments set up on all of these except 2. The one with the court hearing and the personal loan that we have not been asked to pay on.

My work requires that I contribute to retirement. (403b) We are required to contribute at least 2% and they put in 5%. I do the minimum 2%. And we have $604 in savings as of recently. We wanted to build up an emergency fund.

Can't wait to read everyone's stories and learn some new things.